Sorry, I won't use all that OMG LOL crap on here so don't panic.
I wasn't going to write on the blog. I was just going to put the poems up. But now I'm not sure. Mainly poems I think with a little bit of me blabbering on occaisionally.
Reading Rosetta talking about Holcroft Adams sent me straight back to his poems but that made me wonder should I be doing this at all. I am not good enough! Then I read Carol Ann Duffy's poem about being poet laureate. (I can't find it anywhere on the web) It was shit. It sounded like the sort of thing that gets read out on Countdown. Not as bad as the one she wrote about being banned from A level exams which was embarassing. Am I missing something? Probably. I usually am.
So what am I saying here. I suppose OK I'm rubbish but then even the poet laureate is rubbish sometimes so that's alright. And I'm only learning anyway.